When trading across The Bonus Busters Robot, it is trading on the various known assets in global markets. These assets consist of different pairs of currencies and commodities, indices and Aloshm.khiar Call traders choose this option if the expected rise in the asset value throughout the trading process.
For completion
When trading binary options, the trader determines the length of time desired by. This is called the duration of the completion time so as to limit the time that the deliberative process will be completed. The Bonus Busters System offers different deliberative deals, it may take some 60 seconds, and this represents the rapid trading, some of which may take another full year. Help these different deals to choose the merchant deals and the time he deems appropriate.
This term refers to the volume of money that is used by a trader in the trading process. So this size is separated from money total capital. In the case of loss of the deal, this is influenced by the amount of the loss only note that the capital remains as it is without any loss. This reduces the risk caused by the proportion of the trading process, which helps the trader to trade properly control its operations.
Financial profit
This term is called the commercial success of the deal. The deal is successful in the case of the merchant choose the Call option and the asset value was higher than the opening price at the end of the time period. In the case of choosing Put option, it must be the minimum value of the original opening price be commercial before the transaction is completed.
Financial loss
The Bonus Busters term refers to the loss of the deal in the case of false expectations and forecasts. In this case, the merchant does not get any profits as the value of an investor loses money. But in some cases, you may get the dealer on 0% -20% of the value of invested capital.
Put option
Traders choose to put option if the predicted decline in the value of the asset before the expiry date of the commercial transaction.
Exercise price (the exercise price)
It represents the exercise price or the value of assets in the implementation time which commences commercial deal. The fundamental value of the assets as represented. The Bonus Busters trade deal should be higher or lower than that figure in order to achieve success and profits, depending on the sound of the transaction merchant expectations.