There are no any commercial market in the world incomparable, or even close to the binary options market, it is market is difficult to control and control either through the economic entity, or even several combined 18 Minutes money which is run daily through this market is estimated thousands of billions of dollars , where they are on the way buying and selling currencies in the form of pairs such as: a pair dollar / yen or even a pair pound sterling / dollar … etc., and the dollar is the main currency used in the conclusion of trade deals, but generally the basic Currencies which are the most transactions include: Sterling , euro, Japanese yen, Swiss franc.
Advantages of binary options market
Through the next few lines, we answer the question as long as the initiative to the minds of many, which is why investors preferred binary options market as an area for investment, without any economic or investment field another, as we will highlight the most important features and advantages of the binary options market.
Binary options market is characterized as available throughout the day, at a rate of twenty-four hours a day, for 5 days a week, Saturday and Sunday of each week is an official holiday in which transactions stop market binary options, and begin the daily session market binary options at exactly twelve o’clock at night GMT Greenwich, by which time the stock exchange binary options Asian “Tokyo Stock Exchange” begins the opening of trading transactions, followed a few hours later bourses binary options European in London, Paris and Frankfurt .. etc, and when the remedy today is active exchanges of Chicago and the New York and Washington, only to be followed after that exchanges of Australia and New Zealand .. and so on, where it ends today, and begin a new cycle of a new day begins Asian stock market, the distribution of opening the daily global stock markets over the feature and is today an opportunity to work at any time, to understand the circumstances of your life or your responsibilities, you can find the time through which you can invest binary options , and make a profit from it.
High liquidity in the binary options market: where this market is characterized with capital estimated at thousands of billions of dollars, and that means a permanent presence of supply and demand, which gives the opportunity for any small investor because finding a salesman or even a buyer for his deal, 18 Minutes System here for the existence of what can be called the deal stagnant .. The high liquidity of those acquisitions or prevent speculation from any quarter or economic entity whatever its size reached, giving a sense of security and stability for small investors.
Transparency of the binary options market: This market devoid of any suspicion of manipulation, Economic Reports had shown at certain times, and be good to everyone without exception, which establishes the principle of equal opportunities for everyone.
Trading Platforms: are buying and selling process through what is known trading platforms, which are managed electronically, which is a very easy way, as devoid of any potential for error.